For a zombie he’s a pretty smooth character. A bit bossy, a bit manipulative, but overall a decent chap. Is he substantial enough to have an Enneagram number, though?

The filmmakers liked him enough to bring him back for Pirates of the Caribbean two and three. He’s the main antagonist in the first movie and dies at the end, suggesting he was a toss away villain on paper. Credit to Geoffery Rush. Whoever Barbossa is, he made decisions that defined him as a crucial part of the series.

He’s no Casanova. He’s a man’s man. Rules are followed (sometimes as guidelines), shipshape order is maintained, wind is in the hair, treasure is procured, and a juicy apple is paradise. When the chips are down, he will have your back and save the day.

He’s competent at swordplay, but not enough to be a Body Type. He’s a strategizer, but his steady heart seems to dominate. And perhaps his rivalry with Sparrow suggests a bit of envy.

Two, Three, or Four?

He’s not outstanding, just a dependable fellow. Not a Three. 

Man, I’m torn between Two and Four! He’s kind enough, and he loves the shiny trinkets. Treasure collecting is a Man Two’s dream job. But he’s also witty and driven. His feelings are what we love about him.

Oh, but that gold. The bibs and bobs. The secret kindness he holds close. I’m going with Two.