Indy’s companion in his third movie is his father. It is a love story, as much as Marion Ravenwood’s is.

So, what Enneagram number is Dad?

He’s a scholar, but more than that he’s a solitary scholar. Contemplative. Prone to isolation and introversion. Any number can be an introvert, but Henry really says “Head Type” as a first impression. He’s certainly not a Body Type like Indy. Using the umbrella to send the birds into the plane engine is our clue there.

And he’s not a Heart. Emotions are secondary for him, an inconvenience.

Five, Six, or Seven?

Not Seven. He’s not fun enough, or varied enough, or hedonistic enough for that. The pleasures of the world don’t tempt him.

He’s a Five. He’s just too serious to be anything else. The mission drives him, knowledge drives him. The grail diary is his life’s work and he’s never grown tired of pursuing it. He’s relentless about something many people would find boring.

Here’s what’s interesting: In real life, Fives and Nines have a complicated relationship. Nines can’t stand how know-it-all Fives are, and Fives can’t stand that Nines don’t value their insight. I would say that, subconsciously, this dynamic is what makes the third Indiana Jones movie arguably the best of the series. Beautifully played.