She’s the same number as she was in the first Terminator, but Sarah Connor now exhibits different traits of the Enneagram Five.

The workout. You might think she’s a Body Type because of her exercise regimen in the psych hospital, but she’s not. Fives appreciate the order and control of a physical program. Dance, martial arts, cross country running — these are all activities a Five loves without ever necessarily excelling at them. Sarah has that same physical dedication. It keeps her sane. But she’s not a great athlete.

The lack of sentimentality. Her beloved son rescues her and she’s angry. He can’t put himself in danger, not even for her. He thinks she’s hugging him but she’s only checking his body for wounds. Fives are in a constant battle of hating public displays of affection while wanting to connect and be close with others. It comes off as coldness and austerity.

Her ruthlessness. In order for a Five to be as badass as Sarah Connor parts of her personality must shut down. Fives can slide to Eight in strength, but they can’t live in the superhero realm comfortably the way a true Eight could. Sarah almost kills Miles Dyson because she’s closed off feelings that would’ve crushed her Mother of the Future Hero plan. She can be vulnerable or she can be iron; she just can’t be both simultaneously.