Will’s a pirate, much to his surprise. At the end of the first PotC movie he gets the girl and embarks on a life of — not crime, necessarily, but not respectable living. He was a craftsman’s apprentice at the beginning. That would’ve been his life’s profession. Not very glamorous, not likely to marry the higher-status Elizabeth.

If I were to guess Will’s Enneagram number based only on the first film in the series, I’m not sure what I would pick. He’s a rule-follower thrown into chaos, and he survives.

However, if you think about it, that’s his story throughout the trilogy, with incredible survival consequences at the end of it all. What does that tell us?

Not many numbers would have the grit necessary to run the Flying Dutchman. Sixes, yes, if the swordplay were less able. Their sense of duty would carry them through. Fours, possibly, because of the powerful heart connection. Ones, yes. Their organizational skills can drive them through anything.

Heart or Body Type?

Will at the end of the trilogy is the best Will. He’s masculine and heroic. Prior to that he’s a bit whiny and secondary. A One is never whiny. They’re too competent and witty to descend into self-pity.

His life is a drama, a roller coaster. His loyalty is unswerving. His trials make him stronger.
