Does the second Indiana Jones companion warrant an Enneagram number? She follows Marion Ravenwood, which is unfortunate for her, but she’s given a distinctive character by Kate Capshaw. I actually liked her on first viewing in the movie theater.

She’s dramatic. A Four? Creepy-crawly bugs get a BIG REACTION. (They would from me, too, and I’m no Four.) But her constant, wonderful lament, “Innnndy!” seems Heart Type-ish. “I broke a nail,” something any Type could feel, still seems Heart. Big Feelz, high and low, are her sweet spot.

You know, I’m not going to look any further. Willie just reads like such a Four.

And this is why Willie doesn’t work. Marion has set the standard for Jones companions. An Eight’s aggression and practicality will win out when compared with a Four’s emotion and — well, believability. Willie acts much more like a real companion would than Marion does. Like most of us, she’s not very heroic. Marion Ravenwood, Eight, is a consummate heroine.

In real life a Nine like Indy is much more likely to choose a Four than an Eight. Here in the movies it’s all backwards. Willie’s movie is most people’s least favorite. That’s a shame! She deserves better.