One of the greatest heroines ever created. She is flawed, which gives her a chance to arc. Because she assumes that Mr. Darcy is the flawed one, the plot also goes through a nice reversal, allowing Elizabeth to change and grow even more. Many film portrayals of Lizzie exist.

Trying to decide her Enneagram number, though, might be tricky. She’s an odd mix. First, she loves Jane unreservedly. She is loyal to her other sisters, but not always kind. She’s quite judgmental of her dear friend Charlotte. And she absolutely rips into Darcy. There’s a mash-up of stinginess and generosity, scorn and humility. Pride and prejudice, of course, and none of us is sure which noun fits which character better at any given time.

Her willingness to judge, followed by her loyalty when she sets her mind to it, suggests a Six. Certainly she’s no Heart Type. As perfect a creature as Jane would drive Elizabeth to envy if she were.

She does like a walk, though. She’s refreshed and rejuvenated by the activity. Nature can beguile anyone, but does this mean she’s a Body Type? She’s never portrayed as a small, energetic woman, although a One is quite possibly a match with her other characteristics. Her wit is also persuasive as a One trait.

When I recorded my read-aloud of “Pride and Prejudice” I characterized in my mind Elizabeth as a Six. Darcy seems so Five-ish (which is how I read him) that the Head Type conflict felt right to me.

And what if she’s an Eight, or a Seven? Any of these choices by an actor/director could work and become interesting. I would watch any of these versions.

The key, I think, is how set Elizabeth’s mind is and how deeply humiliated she is to learn she’s been completely wrong. Shame. I’m going to stick by my diagnosis of a Six because of this. I don’t know if any other Enneagram number would be so wrenched by error, and yet so willing to admit it and correct course.