Practical, cool-headed, a manager. Although she’s in an action movie, Holly doesn’t engage in hijinks or stunts. She’s the calm rock for her work colleagues and a steely negotiator. When Hans asks her, “Who put you in charge?” she comes right back with, “You did when you killed my boss.”

My mind immediately jumps to the Enneagram Three. Those indomitable nerves are basic for Three Women. So is the take-charge attitude that doesn’t feel pushy to her colleagues. Everyone likes her.

Even her separation from John is Three-like. Threes are so driven to accomplish, and it’s so effortless for them to do a lot, that her determination to pursue her career makes sense. She doesn’t really have a problem with John; their marriage is not in trouble because of emotional differences. They just disagree about where they’ll live and whose career will take precedence in deciding that.

She’s quite an exciting and unique character to find in an action flick. Also, which makes my OCD very happy, the casting of Bonnie Bedelia is excellent. Her build is very Three-like and her take on Holly rings true for her Enneagram number.