She’s a great character. Indispensable. How can I not write about Newt?

Well, she’s a child, that’s why. I believe we’re all born with an Enneagram number, but I’m reluctant to talk about someone not mature. It feels unfair. To ignore such an integral character would also be unfair, though, so let’s poke.

Brave. Way brave. “They mostly come out at night. Mostly.”

Clever. “This little girl survived with no weapons and no training.”

A good judge of others. A realist. “She’s just a piece of plastic, Ripley.”

Not a Five or Six. Not a Four. Not a Heart Type at all. I know a lot of her personality has been tamped down by fear and survival, but her emotions seem to never have ruled her.

Seven Women are very practical, measured, and calm. This is a possibility.

Also, what about the Body Types? Is she physical? I could call her placid and Nine-ish. Not Eight, not One. She’s not aggressive enough.

She’s a monkey, scampering through the vent system. A Nine’s physicality would manifest in different ways, something more overtly athletic. This is the imp movement that is the hallmark of a Seven.