He’s a friar. Bookish, ivory tower-dwelling, into research and experimentation but not real world application of his knowledge. Of course, in a hallmark of great storytelling, Carl must leave his comfort zone. “I want to return to my laboratory” would be a perfectly good action phrase for Carl to play. A lot of thwarting makes for exciting drama.

Out in the world, though, he doesn’t shirk. He’s a good teammate with untapped bravery. So, what number is he?

I want to lean away from Body Type. He’s not athletic. He’s a sympathetic fellow towards others, and he loves his inventions. Two? He’s also kind of ambivalent about his religious vocation. If he’s a Head Type it’s not as a Five or Six. He may have stumbled into the job as a Seven — he certainly has a lot of fun in his lab — but he seems a little too timid for that. A Seven would jump at the chance to ride with Van Helsing.

Two it is. Carl is a kind heart, but he’s not fastidious about rules. And he loves the gadgets.