Another classic Spongebob episode! I’ll probably write this exact line before every Enneagram review. My childlike delight in this rewatch is slightly embarrassing.


Again, the underwater world and the pineapple neighborhood are established. Spongebob steps forth from his door and enjoys the peaceful environment of the day.


Boom. Cut to Spongebob hammering on a construction project in his front yard. The timing is perfectly comedic. It’s also Trouble.


Squidward leans out his window and complains. How is this the Three? Well, first, this is the thing that happens next after the Two. Not a great reason! Also, this Squid behavior is in almost every episode that includes him. Again, why? Stay tuned . . .


Squid practices his clarinet and Spongebob finishes his construction. It’s a Bubblestand. Twenty-five cents a blow. Patrick pops up, borrows a quarter from Spongebob, and gives it a go.

He can’t blow, though. And he really, really tries! Big physical humor here. When he finally tires, Spongebob displays a “lessons” sign. Patrick borrows the quarter again. Oh, man, it really is funny. The timing!


Teaching the “Technique” is the lesson. In the Four, bubble blowing was a known thing to us poor normal rubes. After the Switch, we are amazed.


With the Technique, Spongebob blows a set of ducks that quack when they pop. A boat bubble sounds its horn. An elephant, working its way into Squid’s window, erupts with a trumpet. Patrick is so delighted with it all.

But here comes Squid. He eventually plops down a quarter to show them how it’s done. All he can blow is a misshapen little bubble that makes a fart noise when it pops. Meanwhile, as he tries again and again, Spongebob and Patrick encourage him to use the Technique, demonstrating it. Eventually Squid does, remembering it perfectly (which is so wonderful), and his bubble is immense.


Squid brags about his success and completely denies that Spongebob’s Technique helped.

Here’s why I think the Three is the Three: Squid at the mirror points is a bad neighbor. He starts out unfriendly and alone, and after all the antics of the story he ends up unchanged. I see his behavior as a set of brackets. Everything contained, the absolute wonder of the bubble-blowing, won’t impact him. He won’t let it.

It’s not my favorite Three/Six, and I had to squiggle to line it up, but I’ll count it as legitimate.


He chooses to ignore and/or lie about the Technique, leaves his neighbors in the yard, and returns to his clarinet. Saying, “I rock,” he takes the credit for his bubble.


The overly large bubble returns, descending with ominous music and a heavy shadow. It envelops Squid’s house and lifts it up. With a giant fart noise, the bubble (offscreen) bursts. Spongebob and Patrick run away.

Okay, this is interesting: How many times will an episode’s Eight be Squidward’s comeuppance? And we love it every single time.


The Easter Island head settles into its spot, crooked and askew. A sad clarinet sound is heard.