The French narrator introduces the cheerful jellyfish, buzzing through the pineapple neighborhood. All is peaceful.


Spongebob and Patrick suit up for jellyfishing. Like superheroes, they rope slide to the basement — shh, just go with it — choose nets from the weapons closet, and emerge from the hatch in a Dynamic Duo power exit. Let the Trouble begin.


A static shot on the Duo at the door as the jellyfish scoots past. They skip after it, camera staying on the door, and then run back through, chased by jelly. Part of the humor of Spongebob is the predictability of shots like this. We all know the set-up. Our anticipation leads to the payoff, which is delivered with impeccable timing.


Still being chased, they run to Squidward’s door. He’s heading out on his bicycle with paddles for wheels. They’ve brought him a net, and he’s invited to join them.

And here is our good old Squiddy being just as we expect. He pretends to like their idea, although he can’t hang out today. As he rides away he laughs, nose pulsing. With a straight face he’s tricked them into believing he’s their best friend. Hardy har!  

He keeps laughing . . . a lot. Cross-cut to the jellyfish on a collision course with Squidward’s bike. Closer, closer.


The jellyfish flies like a bee into his mouth. He hits at it, it goes down his shirt, and he crashes over a long cliff. Fiery explosion and a Squidward moan offscreen.


Back at the pineapple house Spongebob sits in a chair and continuously jumps up to look out the window. Squid, in a wheelchair and bandages, rolls toward home.

Giving him the Best Day Ever, Spongebob and Patrick welcome him in. Soup that needs cooling is ready. Pat blows it all over Squid’s mummy head, and all Squid can do is moan. Spongebob offers to play the clarinet, wetting his lips forever. Ew! Hilariously disgusting.


None of this is the Best Day Ever. Only jellyfishing will qualify. They roll Squidward out to the pastoral Jellyfish Field. Again, as at the Three, the immortal chase begins.


Squid tries to motor away but Patrick insists he hold the net. Because Squid is in a full-body wrap, his hands won’t grab. Patrick stabs the base of the net into his hand and tells him to “Go!” after that jellyfish. Ow.


The Duo will show him how it’s done. A very painful version of the Blue Danube Waltz begins, and they leap away. Eventually they end up tussling with each other while the jellyfish attacks Squid. He chases it and traps it against a large . . . thing. We know, and soon they all know, that baby has gone home to mama. A humongous jellyfish is not happy. It chases Squidward offscreen. The electricity strike reflects off of the Duo’s horrified faces.

Poor Squidward. Even when he’s cooperating and winning, he still loses.


The Duo are covered in bandaids. Squid motors in wearing a full-body cast now, propped up in a hospital bed. They give him the jelly in a jar as an apology present. Sorry, do you forgive us?

He releases it on them, and it gives chase. As Squid laughs at his success, a large shadow appears over him. Mama jelly zaps him and his cast breaks open. Ow.