Something. A group of somethings. Worms hopping together, all saying, “Walking.”


They stop. “Hungry.” 


They swarm and consume a coral structure in two seconds. Alright, their group-minded behavior is really funny, like Finding Nemo’s seagulls. Frightening, but funny.


“Still hungry.” There goes some fish’s boat/car. “Dang nematodes,” says the fish. Ah, a name for this being. I got them confused with the Anchovies from the first episode. #CreaturesThatSwarm

“Thirsty.” Pan camera to reveal the pineapple neighborhood. Rut-roh.

Aaaargh! They pull out straws and suck on the house! It shrinks, still a perfect pineapple. Spongebob, inside, sleeps. Gary’s food bowl shrinks and disappears. The foghorn alarm gets smaller, ringing higher, until it disappears. Only Spongebob and Gary stay their size.

The house is shrinking around them. Spongebob calls Squidward on the shell phone. It shrinks away.

Patrick opens his rock. The pineapple shrinks away, leaving Spongebob and Gary in the crater. “Nematodes.” The only thing left is “this little pebble”.

Squid and Pat see that Spongebob’s house is gone. 

Thinking Spongebob will now vacate the neighborhood, Squidward shakes his hand and wishes him well. Party streamers come from the Head window.

Spongebob pockets the “pebble”. (I know, I’ve seen it. But I still think the pebble insert would be a sufficient clue for someone watching the episode for the first time.)


Move back with Mom and Dad? There’s their picture as an insert! (They’re so cute.) No, we’ll build you a new house!


Shiny, hard hat-wearing duo. With tools! No surprise, but they’re terrible at building. Montage of their hijinks. And then there’s a finished pineapple. A small one. It’s the size of a hat. And it breaks.

Now where? Rockmates with Patrick. The rock is like a shared blanket. Hahaha! Trouble, ending with Patrick dreaming of spiders and smashing the rock on Spongebob. They always give you the joke you expect, and then take it one further. And even more. Cracking up.

Squidward sleeps peacefully. He agrees to let Spongebob stay. Wait for it . . . yup. There’s the close-up of his eyes bugging out as he wakes up enough to realize what he’s said. Kicked out.

Nighttime over the ocean. Moon and island shot. Dissolve to day.

Squidward wakes up. It’s a celebration day. He’s so happy to be saying farewell to Spongebob. 

Patrick cries. Mom and Dad drive up to gather Spongebob and his bags.


Spongebob reaches in his pocket! 

Destruction vs. Creation as the Three/Six? Visually it’s a stretch, but thematically it’s quite good. A large coral and a small seed don’t seem connected at first glance. I guess you could also say that the Three is the action of a crowd and the Six is the effort of an individual. It gets even lovelier!


He buries the pebble in his house crater and waters it with his tears. Underground shot of the pebble absorbing the water and activating.


Shaking hands goodbye. Squid, still in the crater, does a dance. Intercut Patrick holding back the boat/car, the pebble glowing, and the Squiddie victory performance.

A large vine sprouts next to the crater, grows a pineapple (with windows and door), and drops it on Squidward’s head.

“My house is back!” They all go inside, happy, and step on a flattened Squidward under the floor dirt.


“I’m back forever!” says Spongebob.

Squid, still a sand figure, mumbles, “Forever?” Thwarted again, buddy.