Introducing Bitterblack

With my own Pawn now, and my Pawn Crew, I can begin pursuing quests. I make sure my Pawn is dressed with the best gear I have or can buy, upgrade her lone skill, and give her the lantern and a pickaxe. 

When we return to our village a cut scene has the hooded man again. He informs us (taunts us?) that every Arisen is drawn to the dragon. However, even among Arisen, apparently, not everyone gets an interview with the dragon. He squints his one eye at me and speaks of futility, then turns and leaves.

His character so clearly represents an antagonist that I hardly pay attention. In the cut scene I see my own toon’s reactions. Oooh, she’s so pretty! I’m happy with my build design. Yes, that’s my main concern while gaming: am I proud of my avatar.

Because we have returned to the village at night (the game has a 24 hour cycle) a woman on the docks has appeared to talk to me. This is the start for the Dark Arisen DLC. I don’t think DD sells anymore without the DLC attached, and rightfully so. It’s excellent, higher-level content. I am too wimpy to do anything but travel to the island, pick up a couple of money bags, and come back again.

I like to unlock Bitterblack Isle right away because it’s such a great travel point. Also, I like to gaze at the large double doors and dream of being skilled enough to enter the rough and tumble world of the game’s toughest beasties and highest gear rewards.