The French narrator establishes Mrs. Puff’s Boating School. Fish students drool and sleep while Spongebob takes diligent notes.


But, wait. It’s time to pick the Hall Monitor of the day. Spongebob looks up with wide eyes.


Mrs. Puff looks over her checklist. With a mark next to nearly every name, only one student hasn’t been Hall Monitor. Haha, you know whose name remains.


As Mrs. Puff, sweating and panicked, tries to pawn the job off on someone else who’s already done it, Spongebob in his desk squeaks closer and closer to the front of the class.

She can avoid it no longer. “I have no choice.” Hearing his name announced, Spongebob rockets into the air from his desk.

Ooh. The job comes with a hat and belt!

Spongebob’s acceptance speech takes the entire day. When he finally puts on the badge, the bell rings and the fish run over him on their way out the door.


In a moment of pity (NO! DON’T!) Mrs. Puff lets Spongebob wear the hat and belt until tomorrow.


As he walks home . . . lol. Broken traffic light! Who says the hall monitor duties end when the bell rings?

The Open Window Maniac (aka, Spongebob) teaches two fish having a nice dinner that they should lock up tight.

He catches Patrick eating (and dripping) a strawberry ice cream cone and starts to write him up. An “Extra! Extra!” fish gives them a newspaper with a “maniac on the loose” headline. The maniac caused a traffic accident and a break in. Heh.

Spongebob will catch the dastard. But how? Patrick, the dairy menace, is a criminal. What would he do?

They get ice creams.


After Spongebob heads off to search one way, police come to Patrick and ask if he’s seen “this man”? It’s a crude drawing of a yellow square with legs.

Aw, and this Story Enneagram was practically writing itself. The Three/Six mirror is . . . unsatisfying. The inevitability of Spongebob, written on paper, is how I would sum it up. 

Puff’s list at the Three has Spongebob’s name written in red. If she’d had a crude drawing of a sponge with an “x” through it, wow, that’d have been great. Imagine the sponge-mirror forecast mirrored with the culmination!


Patrick, scared of the Maniac, wants to go home. Spongebob comes to meet him. 


Now the whole thing is a dark thriller, and a mistaken identity gag. It’s funny.

Spongebob realizes he’s the Maniac one second before all the police arrive to catch him. Mrs. Puff in hair rollers and nightgown arrives! Oh, lolol! As she chews him out she says “He’s my responsibility.”

Oh, no, Puffffff! She immediately realizes what she’s said.


At the Boating School, class is in session. The fish are still bored and Spongebob takes notes. Reverse angle to show Mrs. Puff teaching via television on her desk. She’s wearing stripes.