Decipher an Ancient Text

We were given a mysterious slate to decipher for the Wyrm Hunt. I run around town looking for clues, but it’s not clear who I need to meet.

So I cheat.

I know where I need to go ultimately. Not too far north is a hillside with a large rock formation. I just jump to the end and go there. As we walk up, the game goes to a cut scene.

The “my heart has been ripped out” chest scar is a clue.

This guy and his weird young doppelgänger greet me.

He is The Dragonforged. Apparently not everyone can see him, only the true Arisen. I am “a new-forged link in the grand chain.” I guess I’m only supposed to meet him, say hi, and know I’m not the only one? I’m not just a link in the destiny of the world, I’m also a link in the history of the Arisen.

As an aside he name-drops “His Grace” as one guided by the dragon. We’ve had some pawn chatter and some townsfolk mumble about the history of the Duke. He defeated the dragon and secured the city, ruling over it.

Honestly, I’ve been trying to listen/read and accumulate these little bits of lore from the gameplay, but I seem to be terrible at it! I’m notoriously mission-focused and oblivious to nuance and discovery. It’s enough at this point to raise an eyebrow at the Duke, who is gossiped about in interesting places.