This John is played by Oscar Isaacs. So, John is a hottie now lol. During the movie John legitimately (rather than through trickery) becomes king after Richard’s death. His regency is not as important to this story. It’s his ultimate signing of the Magna Carta — his compact with the barons — that drives this John. We’re already in very different territory (historically and motivationally) from the classic of 1938.

John is volatile. When his queen advises him and he doesn’t like what she’s saying, he’s physically threatening and verbally abusive. Rains gave John a certain mustache-twirling villainy; Isaacs gives John something more realistic: unlimited power dictated by whim. No one, not even Hood, can stop him if he doesn’t want to be stopped.

This version’s King RIchard is no hero popping in at the end to save the realm, but he’s still a knight on Crusade and John still feels that baby-brother envy. I would say that Rains’ influence on the John portrayal is in effect. We will always have a Heart Type John, regardless of who he really was.

I want to say Three, though, rather than Four. This John, compared to Rains’, is harsher. Isn’t that funny? He doesn’t even try to have his brother murdered!  He’s a man, though, who doesn’t like to hear “No”. He hates being thwarted, he hates being wrong, and he hates being held accountable. Meanwhile, he’s a handsome young king. Life is pretty golden for John. And the kingship lands in his lap.

I mean, c’mon. So Three.