The Watergod’s Altar

The second Wyrm Hunt quest involves helping The Faith survey an ancient ruin hidden behind a waterfall. Upon entering I am told by the pawns that this was once “a place of worship and training for clerics of the old gods.” 

Apparently The Faith has supplanted or incorporated elements of an older religion? And this earlier, presumably more nature-based, worship knew about the dragon?

Don’t try to understand too much. Just go with it.

We find poor Brother Jean dead on the ground. And it becomes obvious what caused his demise.

The cyclops drops an orb (was it in his eye socket??) that unlocks a mysterious door. We drain the water in the lower levels, fight some skeletons, and recover five ancient texts.

These slates may have “revelations of vast importance”, which The Faith will decipher.

Someday maybe I’ll know what they said.