We have a fairly substantial One this time. A large anchor is Mr. Krabs’ house. Inside, he sings robustly that “Pearl’s me daughter.” And there she is! Our first time seeing and hearing Pearl! (It is, isn’t it?) It’s her birthday, she’s excited, and daddy is cheap. Instead of the Flipper Slippers everyone’s wearing, he gets her wellies as a present.

Not only is the story introduced, but the Krabs locale and family are established for the series.


The fishing boots are the Trouble. They were, of course, a bargain. Krabs’ penny pinching and its results drive this episode.


Cut to the exterior where the anchor house shakes as Pearl scream-cries.


Krabs, in his office at the Krusty Krab, laments over the boots. In walks Spongebob to ask for his paycheck. 

And there goes Krabs. Oh, these are priceless boots! Oh, they’re Official Fry Cook Boots, only worn by the best! For only your entire paycheck, they can be yours!

Spongebob in the boots is so tall and he’s so proud. He hops and bounces through the KK, all the time with a rubbery squeaking sound.


A nighttime exterior of the anchor house.


Krabs can’t sleep. The porthole squeaks and blows open.

Tired, he arrives the next morning at work only to have Squidward announce his one-week vacation. A happy Spongebob, squeaking lustily throughout the KK, is why.

His squeak routine goes on for a while. Krabs tries plugging his ears (he has ears?) with random items but to no avail.


Night at the pineapple house. Spongebob doesn’t often use establishing exterior shots at the Three/Six. This consistent theme, even used at the Switch, is effective.


Spongebob sleeps, still wearing the boots. Krabs sneaks in and steals them. In silhouette he dashes to the KK and hides the boots. It’s all very dramatic!


Crossfade to morning at the KK. Krabs counts his nice, quiet money. Spongebob enters, distraught and wailing that he’s lost the boots. He wasn’t ready for the Fry Cook Boots, and other self-flagellation founded completely on Krabs’ lies.

First, the fish placing an order squeaks. Then all talk, everything, squeaks. It’s a cacophonous nightmare straight out of Hitchcock.

Krabs screams, “I did it!” The boots are under the floorboards!

Heh, so we’ve got some Edgar Allan Poe in here, too.

And then he eats the boots. 

Sorry, I’m not sure what that references.

Spongebob is a great fry cook, and here’s his paycheck back.


Krabs drives a trailer on vacation. Pearl sits next to him, displaying her Flipper Slippers.