Michelle Pfeiffer’s Selina in Batman Returns is one of the great moments in the Burton years of directing the Bat. Is she quintessential Catwoman? I don’t think so. My impressions are colored by the years of Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar, when Catwoman was uber-sexy. Why did I think Diana Rigg was also Catwoman? Emma Peel, I guess. The leather, the long legs, the sultry tone.

Anyway, Pfeiffer is something else. Her Selina is scattered and marginal, book smart but not street smart. Miss Kitty is on the edge of sanity. She ends up with the leather and the sultry, but she barely holds it all together. Like her home sewn costume, the stitching shows.

Someone mauled by cats in a near-death experience should be walking a thin line.

Pfeiffer herself may not have the Enneagram body for it, but her Catwoman is a Seven. The competency in every day life, the mousy exterior that hides so much passion, and the weird breakout she goes through, are the indicators. She doesn’t have highs and lows as a Four would; everything is a low for her. Even the rush of being a superhero/villain is painful. This is a Seven sliding down into the weakness number, One. Wit is dark, physicality is driven, and pleasure is ascetic. It’s a beautiful portrayal.