
This is a very strange episode. Jet is a beloved character, one who recurs in an important storyline, yet he’s not a nice person here. He’s the antagonist, yet we’re not to see him as a villain.


A forest location. Momo chases a bug.


Berries are bait in a trap that Momo activates. Suspended from tall trees are two more traps with baboons caught in them. Aang, bending, jumps up and frees them all.


The traps are Fire Nation. Sokka wants the team to move on but without flying. His instincts tell him they’ll be spotted in the air.

Okay, I have a problem with traps appearing at both beats. They belong at the Three, which we’ll see when it mirrors at the Six. The Trouble, the Two, is actually the forest. Hidden amongst the trees are Jet and his Freedom Fighters, but also the Fire Nation. This is what Aang battles at the Eight.

I’d keep the Three as is but change the Two. Right now the Two and Three are closer to one beat. We’re missing a true Two. I’d like to see the forest portrayed as threatening, or even confusing, before we get to the traps. It would take only a second or two.


Jet is introduced, joining in a fight with our gang at a surprise Fire Nation camp. When he takes us back to his hideout up in the trees, we get a moment with sparkly animation. Katara is starry-eyed about Jet. The hideout is very Robin Hood, very heroic and rebellious. Joining in with their troop is most of the Four.


Sokka goes out on mission with Jet. An old man from the Fire Nation hobbles down the road. Jet abuses him and Sokka objects. When Sokka separates himself from Jet, we Switch.


Katara and Aang won’t listen, but Sokka calls Jet a thug. He’s seen through the twinkle.

Jet asks the benders to help fill a water reservoir in order to prevent a fire. Sokka learns, though, that it’s a ruse. Actually Jet is going to flood the village below, drowning Fire Nation and everyone else, including women and children. Before Sokka can warn the team, though, he’s captured by Jet’s men.


As he’s led away, Sokka notices more of those traps on the ground and springs them on his captors. Up they go.

Beyond the mirror image of traps in the air, we also have Sokka the regular guy hitting the key beats. I really like when they do this; it’s a great use of his character.


Aang, looking at the dam, sees the blasting jelly and realizes he’s been tricked. Now he’s engaged.


A treetop battle between Aang and Jet commences. Much fighting and chasing goes here. Eventually Katara bends water, icing it with her breath, and freezes Jet to a tree trunk.

It’s too late, though. Jet whistles the signal and the dam blows.

Sokka returns on Appa to let them all know he’s saved the village. He warned them, and the old man, the one Jet tormented while Sokka refused, vouched for his character. It’s a nice little justice moment.


As the gang flies away, Sokka touts his instincts. They helped him save the day.

But he’s taking Appa in the wrong direction.