A clamshell rooster crows, and we dissolve from the Easter Island head to Squidward asleep.


A quiet giggling awakens him and he throws back the covers. Yikes! Spongebob and Patrick in party gear lie next to him. Happy Birthday! Hahaha, wow is that disturbing.


A montage of singing, partying shots follow. Throughout, Squidward is stone-faced. When they leave he finally reacts, yelling after them, “It’s not my birthday!”


Oh. He throws down his party hat and threatens to move. The next shot is of a realtor. He means it! The house will sell quickly if it isn’t infected with nematodes — no problem! — or surrounded by bad neighbors. Rut-roh.

Whatever a good neighbor would do, Squidward frets, Spongebob does the opposite. Aha. Opposite . . .

The next morning Spongebob is scared awake by Squid outside playing bagpipe and drum. He’s so crazy Spongebob is worried about him. You mean you don’t know about Opposite Day? And Spongebob believes him, toning down his manner and speaking softly. 


Squid leaves satisfied.


Trying to decide how to be opposite, Spongebob goes to bed. When the doorbell rings he jumps up and says, “Go away.” Patrick outside puckers his lip and cries a fountain.

Spongebob explains Opposite Day. Patrick, wanting to join in, holds his breath and turns blue.

Another montage follows of the two pals having weird fun.

Squidward, packing, chuckles at his own success. Noise outside catches his attention. Aargh! Spongebob happily demolishes his pineapple house. Freaking out, Squid yells at him. Spongebob replies, “That’s the nicest thing Squidward’s ever said to me.” Heh heh.

Desperate, Squid drives a bulldozer to clean the debris, and then begins rebuilding the pineapple. In an attempt to understand how this could be opposite, Spongebob decides he should be Squidward. He and Patrick dress up and begin to mope around. 


(There is no Six.)

You can see what happened. In order to pad up the Five, the showrunners put the montage, the proper Six mirror, in the wrong place. They decided to show Spongebob eating Gary’s food, and stuff like that, when they could’ve rearranged the info and had a more pertinent montage here. 


They go into the Easter Island head. They’ve decided to go Full Squidward.


Meanwhile, Squid continues to hammer, grousing and mumbling as a car/boat arrives, unseen by him.

The real estate agent is impressed with the house. She wants to hear all about the positive things. Spongebob in Squid-guise tells her everything negative.

Finished with the repair, Squid comes down the ladder, turns, and sees the realtor’s car/boat. 

When he comes in the house to rescue the agent he says, “I’m Squidward.” That’s how Spongebob and Patrick have introduced themselves to her. She gets angry. “Are there any other Squidwards?” Gary, wearing a false nose, meows at her.

As she storms out Squid drags behind her, holding onto her leg.


“Happy Opposite Day!” the boys cheer.

Squid loses it and chases after them with the bulldozer. “Happy Opposite Day,” he yells maniacally as they run.