Get Lucky

When you’re not handsome
and your youth is spent,
you’re not wealthy
and you’re too smart to be content,

get lucky

When he’s so irksome,
keeps talking of Kent,
been rejected,
but he’s safe and independent,

get lucky

Here he comes on fire
and you meet him in the lane,
not by accident
it’s not a romantic moment,
but just the same,
it’s better than alone.
You get your own home.

When she’s troubl’some
and doubts your judgment,
feels above you
but she still lives with her parents,

get lucky

New song available for Ardent at bandcamp. From Elizabeth’s perspective, Charlotte is foolish for accepting Mr. Collins’ proposal. For Charlotte, though, it’s a lucky opportunity.

Oops! I originally called this song “The Scheme” because that’s how Charlotte thinks of her encouragement of Mr. Collins. The song itself suggested another title, though, and “Get Lucky” is the official and proper name.