Good structure. Nice episode.


The Easter Island head as Squidward exits and set up his lawn chaise.


He opens a little bubble gum package, pops the gum in his mouth, and tosses the paper away. It lands on Spongebob’s walkway.


The pineapple house slides forward, right up to the edge of the trash, so that when Spongebob opens his door his feet are next to it. “Squidward!” he calls.


Squid spits out his gum, folds up his chair, and heads for his door. Spongebob stops him: you dropped this and I thought you’d want it back. It’s just garbage. Why, no, it’s a gold mine of entertainment! Spongebob can’t believe Squidward would give up such a treasure. In his exasperation, Squidward exclaims, “That paper is yours forever and ever.” (Heh, I sense a regret coming.)

And then they drive the point into the ground, but that’s Spongebob humor.

Squidward tries to practice his clarinet, but Spongebob’s wild laughter outside interrupts him. The paper, tucked into his square pants, is now a super cape. Gary is not impressed, heh.

Spongebob Junglepants makes an appearance. Bullfight Spongebob tries to get Gary to play the bull, but he won’t. Meanwhile, Squidward watches secretly from some coral. The tricks continue — oral-gami, yay! — and Squidward becomes intrigued.

Slapping himself back into sense, Squidward goes home.

It’s no good, though. The laughter works on him. Reading isn’t fun, a bath isn’t fun, and painting is frustrating. 


Finally, he goes outside with a paddleball, ready to convince Spongebob that he’s having fun. Nope, Spongebob’s game is still better.


Then Squid pulls out a ventriloquist dummy of himself? Yikes. Spongebob likes it and imitates it, folding the paper in half and making it talk. It’s unbelievably stupid, but when he hits the punchline, fish come from nowhere, surround them, and laugh. 

Squid drives around now in his new shell cart. (Wow, dude, have some dignity.) Spongebob flies in, copter style, with the paper twirling on his finger. Here comes the clarinet. As Squidward plays, notes cascade out of the bell and tumble to the ground. Applauding, Spongebob says, that was a great way to play all the wrong notes. Outraged, Squid plays again. Spongebob blows on the paper, playing the same tune, including the falling notes. This is how you played it wrong, and here’s how it really goes. Notes organized in a staff appear above his head. 

He continues, the paper curling into different horn shapes while the entire background becomes sheet music.

Squidward tosses aside his clarinet and grabs for the paper. Of course, Spongebob won’t give it back. He promised. Squidward claims he never said don’t give it back. (Does he believe that?!) Turning the paper into a flip book, Spongebob presents the evidence in moving color. With sound!

Reaching into his pocket, Squidward suggests a trade. On his tentacle is a rubber band, but Spongebob, eyes all huge, focuses on the lint. You drive a hard bargain. 


But, no. Squidward parades a television, and, well, everything, including the Easter Island head house. It’s all stacked by Spongebob’s front door.

Is this still part of the test, Spongebob asks. Squidward offers the shirt off his back.


That’s it. Spongebob has always wanted that shirt.


Hahaha! Squidward dances his booty against the paper, saying Spongebob has all his useless garbage. You’re a sucker! He prances over and sits in his house foundation. Impressions! Origami —  boo! Helicopter! None of it works. Clarinet music catches his attention.

Gary blows the stick while Spongebob admires his new shirt in the mirror, surrounded by all of Squidward’s things.

Aaaand, there it is. Squidward’s face sinks as he really looks at the piece of paper. Haha! More impressions! A guy throwing a piece of paper on the ground! A guy stomping on it!


Patrick comes over and takes the paper, spitting his bubble gum into it and tossing it in the trash. Long shot of naked Squidward standing in the foundation while desert winds blow.


The Three/Six in this is an interesting, surreal What’s-on-Spongebob’s-Doorstep scenario. And it’s always something Squidward has discarded. Pretty sophisticated structural choice!

The other thing I like about this episode is that it’s hard to write a synopsis for it. Many of the beats are visual and must be seen to be appreciated.

That said, lol, the plots that involve Squidward’s humiliation are not my favorite. An episode like this that showcases Spongebob’s creativity is great. Love that part. Squidward’s so sour, though. I don’t even want to watch him get a comeuppance.