Saving Gran Soren

We’re sent on a goose chase. Some message awaits us at the Waycastle gate but when we get there we’re immediately sent back to the city. In the distance, we can see why.

Fire and smoke come from the agrarian district of the keep.

Remember that “dead” cockatrice? It was taken into the castle grounds as a trophy. Salvation (somehow) reawakened it so it would rampage and destroy. Of course we get there in time to stop it. (And kill it! Often it flies away before the final blow, so yay!)

Immediately after, we’re called to the castle for thanks, and also to accept a mission from the Duke. A very long, slow follow walk happens, first behind Aldous, and then back again behind the Duke. At the end of it all, though, is a treasure room. Sadly, the Duke can’t open the really shiny chest because it requires Salomet’s ring and I swapped it out for that forgery. Heh. (It’s a cape in the chest, not a big loss.) As I’m collecting my money bags, a soldier comes in.

Mission change. Salvation has taken captives at the Greatwall and threatens to offer up a grand sacrifice to see the land cleansed. We’re to go on up there and stop them.