Salvation’s End

We’re to stop Salvation’s terrorism at the Greatwall, so we fight our way up the tower. Skeletons, cultist sorcerers, a chimera. At the top, the leader Elysion turns two dudes into wights. After we defeat them, he stands on the parapet and monologues. “Don’t you feel it? The very air dances around us! The dragon’s reign at last begins! Merciful winged death! All-powerful and merciless Grigori! Behold, you unrepentant blasphemers!”

Then the dragon flies in and eats him.

So, that’s it for the creepy guy who’s tailed us throughout. Hunh. He corrupted some people, thought he had something important to say, and ended up a boat snack. The dragon will now do what it always intended to do, and Elysion’s impact on it all was nothing.

Frankly, I’m intimidated. But I keep it all inside.

It was basically busywork for us. The only surprise, or relevant information, is the reference to the Dragonforged, that old guy who lives with his doppelgänger in a cave. Apparently, the Dragonforged never did confront the dragon, or he was unable to defeat the dragon and went away a failure. Interesting. I don’t think I put it together that the guy with a chest scar, someone who lost his heart to the dragon, was still here because he was a loser.