Down the Everfall

We fall. It’s kind of wonderful, actually, because if I miss a ledge, I just come out the bottom and start over at the top, falling forever. The Everfall, the place under the city we visited early on, spiraling downward, has broken away. Pieces of the walkway still exist, and these are what we grab.

It’s really a brilliant piece of game design.

Wherever I grab on my first fall will go to an explanation. “If you would heed my call, prove now your worth. Show that you’ve the strength to break the yoke that binds you.” I’m not sure who’s speaking, but a Pawn awaits us. She, like the other pawns who wander the Everfall, have been abandoned here when their masters died on quest. I think. 

On every level is a room with a battle in it. (Some, like the hydra, are more challenging than others.) Dead monsters drop wakestones, and when I’ve collected 20 of them, this Pawn will send me onto the next task.

Pawns climb the neck. Mage lights the heads on fire. I stay waaay over here and go pew pew.