Eden Prime

One of my crew, a young and enthusiastic lad, is killed immediately. As Kaidan and I continue on mission, we find another soldier, Ashley, fighting frantically to save herself. The enemy? Geth, a synthetic AI species created by the Quarians. 

One of the great trash mobs in gaming, the Geth are deeply unsettling.

They rebelled, driving their makers into exile, and then disappeared behind the Perseus Veil (great name, no idea what it means) 200 years ago. Their backstory doesn’t really matter. because they’re here to impale humans on metal spikes and turn them into zombie-like husks.

After some light fighting (and tutorial explaining) we come upon the dig site for the Beacon, but it’s not there anymore. It’s been moved by the colonists just before the attack.

As we proceed to the new Beacon location, Nihlus (the Turian Spectre) checks in over comms. He’s roving ahead. A cut scene of Nihlus takes over. A fellow Spectre and Turian, Saren, surprises him. Nihlus didn’t expect another Spectre to be assigned here. They chat, Saren maneuvering to a position behind Nihlus, and . . .

. . . boom.