
Our first mention of the mysterious Cerberus — a corporation? a research laboratory? — comes from an odd report included in a data dump at Feros. Cerberus has requested and received samples of the Thorian, it appears. When we check out the clue, an entire small colony has been turned into husks. Zombies, basically. They’re not much different from the Thorian Creepers that ExoGeni made.

Then Admiral Kahoku sends us to look for his missing soldiers. We find them dead on a planet. Someone set a beacon as a trap on top of a Thresher Maw nest. The giant sand worm, spitting acid, almost kills us in the Mako as we try to investigate the site. Cerberus, Kahoku angrily informs us, is an Alliance black ops organization. Did the soldiers get too close? Did Cerberus try to use them as experiments? It’s hard to tell. No one is held accountable, but Kahoku will pursue them anyway. 

After a desperate message from Kahoku, we go looking for him throughout three Cerberus research facilities on an isolated planet. The first holds Thorian Creepers. The second holds a swarm of just-hatched small Rachni. The third holds an adult Rachni standing over the dead body of Kahoku. When we kill it and attend to Kahoku’s corpse, we see that he hasn’t been mauled. Needle tracks line his arms. Because of his investigation they turned him into another Cerberus experiment, an attempt to fuse alien DNA with a human to create a super soldier. What a way to go.

Eventually we end up at a Cerberus facility with a data terminal. After we clear the bunker and leave, I’m contacted by an agent for the Shadow Broker, an information dealer. Kahoku had a deal with them; that’s how he found the Cerberus research base. Now the Shadow Broker would like the information I discovered. At this point there seems to be nothing in it for me. Maybe there will be a turnaround later. I give them the data, though, because Kahoku was a very sympathetic story.

(By the way, this is Ace Shepard. I created another biotic for a better run-n-gun style. Like Athena, she’s also a paragon.)