The Second Dream

Chase Boy through a dead forest again. This time shadowy smoke figures fade in and out, while our dead companion’s voice (either Ashley’s or Kaidan’s) relives their last moment. The dead haunt Shepard. 

Just as Shepard reaches Boy, a Reaper light shines on him and he runs, giggling as if he’s playing tag. (Is it wrong I wish Shepard could draw her gun? Too Renegade?) Again he finally stops and gives a last, soulful look as he bursts into flame.

The idea that Shepard doesn’t sleep — she’s too busy to rest — and then when she finally does it’s not restful, may or may not resonate later in the story. She’s still mentally and physically sharp. It’s only when she awakens that she’s not herself. Weakness and vulnerability are not normal characteristics for her. However, this is immediately after Mordin’s scene, so fatigue born of anguish is logical.

And now Udina, the politician Bioware wants us to hate, actually becomes a villain. We’re called to the Citadel. Cerberus, with Udina’s cooperation, has attacked. 

Our first encounter with Kai Leng, the Illusive Man’s henchman, is here, and we barely rescue the Council from a kidnapping. Also, our teammate (Kaidan or Ashley) doesn’t understand. They defend the Council, following Udina’s lead to usher them into the waiting shuttle. We actually have a guns-drawn showdown before we can resolve the stand-off.

Anderson and Miranda, separately, mention knowing Kai Leng and fearing his fighting skills. For Shepard, though, he’s a new character. 

It’s strange to introduce someone critical at this point in the trilogy. He’s just a dude, probably enhanced and indoctrinated, but he feels like a lazy creation. I wish they’d incorporated him earlier. How awesome would that have made our fights! And I wish they’d given him a more distinct character design. Nothing about him furthers the story. He’s just a boss battle with none of the pizazz.

One little story drop that only makes sense later: Anderson asks why Cerberus would be interested in taking control of the Citadel. In retrospect, after playing endgame, I realize that the Illusive Man has a small part of the Prothean archive data from Mars. He has the Catalyst portion. I like when a game ups the replayability with subtle plants like this.