We don’t get as full a portrayal for Sybil as we do for the other sisters. Partly, that’s because she marries and leaves, shortening her time onscreen. Partly, though, it’s because the writers have designated her as the rebel. Sometimes her character makes choices to fit this mold, rather than as an inherent trait.

So, how far astray is she written, lol? What is her number? 

She’s always described as kind. She’s loved by everyone, upstairs and downstairs. Not only does she support the maid Gwen in her desire to become a secretary, Sybil works on her behalf, scheduling appointments, traveling with her, and writing her resume. Sybil walks the walk. This includes her nursing during the war. She wants to serve, insists on getting the training, and then puts herself in the middle of the soldiers’ recovery without flinching. She’s seen as an angel, with no class consciousness.

Is she a real character? Someone this perfect risks being a Null.

Ah, let’s call her a Three. She knows her own mind, and is tireless in pursuit of what matters to her. I’ll be curious to look at her parents’ numbers and Branson’s just to be sure. Off the top of my head, I suspect Lord Grantham will be a Nine. That his baby is a Three makes sense. 

Lol, isn’t it funny how close a Three and a Null can end up being? One is reasonably perfect, and the other unreasonably so.