As I was reviewing the second part of the “Adar” episode of The Rings of Power I inadvertently referenced Enneagram numbers for some beloved Tolkien characters. I was comparing Frodo and Sam to Nori and Poppy, a juxtaposition I believe the showrunners want us to make. Nori, especially, has the wide-eyed, trustful face that Frodo has before he’s given the Ring. They’re very different, though, and the comparison muddies Nori’s character. Nori is possibly a Three, or any of the other take-charge Enneagram numbers.

Frodo, on the other hand, is not your typical hero. He’s quiet and unathletic. He prefers a simple hobbit life and isn’t looking for adventures. Unlike Bilbo, who unexpectedly thrives after Gandalf knocks at his door, Frodo never changes. Who we see at the beginning of “Fellowship” is who we have at the end, with layers of suffering added on. Merry and Pippin step into the roles of soldiers; when they return to the Shire, those abilities and the desire to wield them continue. They’ve changed and arced. Frodo hasn’t. Frodo has diminished.

This is why I immediately jumped to Six in my “Adar” breakdown. Only the Trooper, a non-hero number, can take the torture Frodo sustains and continue onward. He will do his duty, even with the Wheel of Fire spinning in his mind and the Ring dragging him to the ground. He doesn’t just persevere because he’s a hobbit; it’s his Enneagram.