Summer Hiatus, revisited

I’m reminded of a post from just over a year ago.

I told you I would be working on an Encaustic/Enneagram book. The above photo is of a wall in my studio. These are the pieces I so enthusiastically anticipated finishing. I hung them so that I could look at them every day and continue to think about how to make them better. They’ve sat like this for many months now.

Frankly, I don’t think I’m a good enough artist to bring these pieces to fruition at this time. Even the ones that are close to finished don’t tell me how they can be made better. I don’t have 10,000 hours of encaustic time, and it shows.

I wanted to be honest. The process is as important as the product to me. I’m still excited for the project, though. I like the idea, and some day I will continue. Meanwhile, this wall of incompletion waits for me.