The Crossroads of Destiny (Season Two Finale, Part Two)

For the first half of this Story Enneagram, please see Part One.


Sokka and Aang ride on Appa, headed for Katara. As they approach the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se, they see a moving cloud of dust. Of course, it’s Toph. Dipping down, they invite her to join them.

Azula meets with the Dai Li under the city, advising them that the Earth King doesn’t trust them. They must seize power now while they can. “Long Feng has placed you in my command while we overthrow the government,” she says. After the Dai Li march out, Ty Lee congratulates Azula on her speech. The Avatar and her brother and uncle are still loose ends, Azula warns.

Zuko and Iroh arrive at the palace, ready to serve tea. Iroh had often imagined himself here, but always as a conqueror for the Fire Nation. Now he’s a guest.

On Appa, Toph asks Aang about his time with the Guru. Aang remembers his failure to master the Avatar state. However, he lies to his friends about it. (If Toph were on earth, she’d have sensed the lie. A furry beast doesn’t conduct the truth well, though, lol.)

Iroh pours the tea, but the throne is empty. In file the Dai Li, who surround Iroh and Zuko. Azula enters, lightly announcing herself: It’s tea time. Zuko leaps up. Azula monologues a bit, then Iroh, lifting a cup of tea, asks, “Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname ‘Dragon of the West?’” She shushes him, uninterested. Smiling, Iroh sips the tea. Zuko dives behind him. Iroh fire-breathes in a circle, taking out the Dai Li. He escapes through the wall, but Zuko stays behind to confront Azula. He challenges her to an Agni Kai; she walks away while the Dai Li earth bend cuffs onto him.

Appa and crew fly toward the palace. Aang, Sokka, and Toph meet with the Earth King who assures them Katara is fine. She’s been meeting with the generals, he says, and is now with the Kyoshi Warriors. Sokka is convinced, although Aang still doubts.

Cut to Katara in a crystal-lit, underground dungeon. A hole opens in the ceiling, and Zuko is tossed in with her.

Appa and crew return to their apartment to look for Katara. Momo greets them, but the building is otherwise empty. Toph hears someone outside, an old friend she recognizes, and opens the door to reveal Iroh. Aang and Sokka freak out, but Toph invites him in. “Princess Azula is here,” he says. After overcoming Sokka’s objections, they all agree to work together. Outside, Iroh has a captured Dai Li agent who admits the coup. Katara and Zuko are in the crystal catacombs under the palace.

Long Feng, meditating in his jail cell, receives an update from an agent: Azula is terrifying and inspiring as she leads the coup. After the agent leaves, Long Feng has a moment of doubt or concern.

Katara is aggressive with Zuko: Why are you here! After throwing accusations at him, Katara breaks into tears over the loss of her mother. Sympathetic, Zuko says, “We have that in common.”

Outside the palace, Toph touches the ground and confirms an ancient city does exist deep down. She opens a tunnel, then goes with Sokka to inform the Earth King. Iroh and Aang will rescue Katara and Zuko.

In the tunnel, Iroh holds a flame for light and Aang continues to earth bend the tunnel. Based on Toph’s recommendation, Aang decides to ask Iroh for advice. He admits that he gave up mastering the Avatar state for love. Iroh is supportive. They break through to the crystal city.

Meanwhile, Sokka and Toph climb the steps to the palace. They hide, though, when they see General How. He’s captured by the Dai Li. A montage shows all the generals captured. Sokka and Toph run into the throne room, ready to warn the Earth King, only to be greeted by Ty Lee and Mai in Kyoshi Warrior make-up. Toph immediately knows they’re wrong and attacks. Azula, blue flame coming from her finger, holds the King hostage. Sokka and Toph surrender. Even Momo is captured. All of them, including the King (and Bosco the bear!), are taken away.


The Dai Li bring Long Feng into the throne room to confront Azula. Now is when I double-cross you, he says. The Dai Li hesitate, though. Azula explains that they’re waiting. Who will sit on the throne and who will bow down? And then, while Long Feng sweats, Azula sits. He takes a knee before her.


Katara apologizes to Zuko. She’s only seen him as the face of evil. Touching his scar, he is ready to determine his own destiny. Katara holds out a vial of water from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole and offers to heal Zuko’s mark. The camera closes on them as Katara touches his face, saying she’s been saving the water for a special occasion.

The wall to the crystal dungeon bursts open. Seeing Aang, Katara runs forward to hug him. Iroh runs forward to hug Zuko. Aang and Zuko send each other a suspicious glance. Pull out to show the two hugs, then fade to black.


Katara hugs Aang again. Zuko asks his uncle why he’s with the Avatar. Iroh sends them away to help their friends. As she’s leaving, Katara looks back softly at Zuko. Iroh gives Zuko a pep talk. He’s a different man now, and he’s at the crossroads of his destiny. Choose good over evil.

The room shakes as Azula and the Dai Li burst in. They trap Iroh in crystal shards. She gives her pitch to Zuko: at the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have father’s love. Azula leaves him, free to choose if he will join with her.

Aang and Katara run out of the tunnel. Azula attacks from behind, and the three have a bending battle, ending in a stalemate. A yellow fireball blows them apart, and Zuko stands there. A beat while we wait to see which side he’s chosen. He attacks Aang.

Cut to Sokka, Toph, and the Earth King in a cell. No guards are around. Toph bends open the metal door.

Crosscut to the Aang and Zuko fight. Zuko only has yellow fire, but it’s very strong. Aang plays defense. Meanwhile, Katara is defeating Azula until Zuko intervenes and saves her. That changes the battle: now Katara fights Zuko, arguing with him. Azula faces Aang. Her blue flame attack throws him into a wall.

Back to the throne room. Ty Lee tries to teach Bosco to do tricks. In come Toph and the Earth King to rescue his bear.

Katara holds her own with Zuko until Azula joins him, outnumbering her. She’s down. Here comes Aang, though. All of the Dai Li enter. Katara rises, swirling water arms around her and valiantly trying to fight. Seeing her, Aang only remembers his time with the Guru. He bends a rock fortress around himself and begins to meditate on his constellation. He’s going to let go of his attachment to Katara. 

Zuko and the Dai Li step back as Aang’s rock fortress begins to glow as he enters the Avatar state. He emerges in full power. Suddenly, though, he’s hit by a lightning blast from Azula. His constellation abandons him and he falls to the cave floor. Crying, Katara surfs a wave that knocks aside the Dai Li and allows her to catch Aang before he hits the ground. As Azula and Zuko stalk closer, Iroh jumps to protect Katara, telling her to escape. Holding an unconscious Aang, Katara bends them up a waterfall. When they’re gone, Iroh ceases his attack, surrendering. He’s captured and refuses to look at Zuko.


Our gang all fly away on Appa, including the Earth King and Bosco. Katara uses her Spirit Water to heal Aang’s back, which is scorched. His head arrow blinks and he returns to consciousness. The first thing he sees is Katara’s worried face that dissolves into relief. She hugs him.

Azula, attended by Zuko, sits in triumph on the Earth Kingdom throne. However, Zuko is remorseful over his betrayal of Iroh. He still worries about his honor, even though Azula is supportive.

The Earth King looks down at his lost kingdom as Appa flies them all away.


Well, color me shocked! That miniscule Three in the previous episode was the real deal: Azula plans to infiltrate the Dai Li. At the Six her plan comes to fruition. Well done. The entire Enneagram is tidy and successful.

When I first saw this episode, I, like many, wondered if Katara and Zuko would form a romantic relationship. They share a tender moment. He is age-appropriate (and Aang still looks like a child compared to Katara). It was not to be, alas. One of the weaknesses of this series for me is the push to ‘ship Katara and Aang. His crush on her I could understand. Any reciprocity seemed a stretch. She treats him more like a big sister would.

Azula’s character in this episode is also very interesting to me. Up until now she’s been annoying and mean. Here she shows a Machiavellian leadership. I wouldn’t want her as my queen, of course, but I can admire that she’s written to be so effectively ruthless. She’s on the throne at the end, and she’s earned it. Iroh, who partly failed because his son’s death broke his resolve, is a beloved character. Zuko, who doubts his actions, is a beloved character. Azula, the character we all love to hate, is a perfect example of a successful warlord. She is unmoved by compassion and is impervious to weakness. Her psychosis and her drive are beautifully animated. Many live action films fail to completely capture what makes mad royalty succeed.