Avatar Roku

(Winter Solstice, Part 2)


As we’re in Part Two, this episode immediately picks up where Part One left off, in the village with the threat of the comet deadline hanging over. Aang has decided to go into the Fire Nation alone.


Katara and Sokka say nope. They’re coming, too. Appa approves and gives Sokka a big, wet lick.


Zuko, at the village our gang just left, insists on knowing where they went.

In Part One we had parallel Enneagram structure. Part Two is only Aang’s story. This allows Zuko to influence the plot as its Three/Six.


Our team must fly into the Fire Nation while Zuko’s ship pursues. At the border, they both face a blockade. With difficulty (Put out those cinders on Appa’s fur!) Aang flies them over and through. Zuko’s ship is hit, but at the last moment Commander Zhao lets him pass. Following Zuko is the only way to get to the Avatar.


They’re in the Fire Nation now.


Appa, exhausted, gets them to the crescent island temple just before sunset. Only one Fire Sage will help them, though. The others are hostile. In order to get through the locked door guarding Avatar Roku’s statue, our team must get tricky.


Just as the door opens, Zuko arrives and grabs Aang. The Fire Sages are resealing the door.


Aang slips through the door at the last second, leaving his friends behind with the hostile fire benders.


Aang finally gets his meeting with Roku.

Outside the door, Zhao arrives, trusting no one.

Roku explains the comet situation to Aang. Its orbit so close to earth strengthens the fire benders so that they can’t be defeated. The war started during the last pass, and it will end in destruction during this pass unless Aang can defeat the Fire Lord first.

Training, learning the elements, all of that Avatar stuff — no time.

And then Roku, with the remainder of this visit, destroys the temple that he built. Our team escapes on Appa.


Zuko on his ship sees their flight and follows. Zhao lost all of them.

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