A Three this charming should’ve been mirrored at the Six. My heart is broken at the lost opportunity, lol. Critical Notes after the breakdown.
In a shallow river Katara and Aang practice their water bending. Sokka floats on a leaf raft, soaking up the relaxation goodness. They will head to Omashu today. While teaching Aang, Katara touches his arms, sending his cheeks into a blush. He’s doing well with the bending.
Momo sounds an alert and they hear music. A group of nomads who look like ‘60s flower children stroll up. They are . . . not the brightest bunch. They’re extraordinarily cheerful, though, and good company.
Cut to Iroh examining a flower. It could be a plant that makes a delicious tea, or it could be poison. Zuko grouses that he wasn’t meant to be a fugitive while Iroh decides whether or not to chance the tea.
Appa relaxes, braids and flowers festooning his large head. Everybody enjoys the hippie vibe except Sokka, who calls it a distraction.
The nomads say Sokka has destination fever, and also mention an old story about a secret pass through the mountains that leads to Omashu. Sokka’s not happy, but the nomads sing enthusiastically about the Secret Tunnel.
However, Sokka decrees that they’ll fly. Aang says, whatever makes Appa most comfortable. Cut to Fire Nation artillery launching at the flying Appa. And . . . they’re back with the hippies. Secret love cave it is.
Zuko returns from fishing to find Iroh covered in an itchy rash. He just couldn’t leave the plant alone. So the choices ahead of them are, go to the Earth Kingdom where they’ll be killed, or face Azula. Earth Kingdom it is.
Back to the love tunnel. The Fire Nation tracks them and starts firing. Into the cave, even Appa. Oh, our boi doesn’t like that. After the Fire Nation blocks the entrance, Appa moans and claws at the walls.
The tunnel is a labyrinth that only those that trust in love can solve. Sokka wants to make a map anyway.
Iroh receives treatment at a village medical tent. They’re invited to stay for dinner with the Earth Kingdom family. Roast duck!
Sokka’s map leads again to a dead end. The tunnels are changing, it’s the only way this could make sense, he says.
The Earth family is very sympathetic, saying they’re refugees from the Fire Nation attacks. The young woman sees Zuko’s eye and assumes he’s a victim, too.
The tunnel is cursed and they’re lost. Suddenly Momo flies away and a wolf bat comes from the darkness and attacks. Appa panics and catches fire from the torches. Rampaging, he knocks the walls and causes a cave in. Aang air bends, blowing Sokka and the hippies to one side of the rocks, and tackles Katara out of the way on his own side. Now the team is separated.
The nice young Earth Kingdom woman is kind to Zuko, showing the burn marks on her own leg.
Sokka and the nomads wander the tunnel, with the hippies making up a song of the moment. Their relentless cheerfulness is starting to drive Sokka mad, lol.
Meanwhile, Katara sees an exit ahead. She and Aang push on it, and then Appa charges it, breaking it apart. The moon door falls open revealing, not an exit, but a tomb. It’s the two lovers of the myth.
Looking at pictures in the tomb, Katara is able to piece together their story. We see traditionally styled drawings to help illustrate. It’s basically a Romeo and Juliet tale of lovers who can’t meet. Badger moles, the first earth benders, teach them how to dig and build tunnels between their two cities. One day the man doesn’t come; he’s died in the war. The woman earth bends both cities, destroying them and declaring the war over. A new city of peace is built in their place, and its name comes from the lovers: Oma and Shu.
Their motto is reiterated: love is brightest in the dark.
(There is no Six.)
Sokka and crew arrive at a dead end again. An idea: play a love song.
Katara also has an idea, although she worries it’s too crazy. “What if we kissed?” Awkwardness ensues.
The hippies sing and dance. Momo alerts.
Iroh and Zuko finish their delicious duck dinner. As they leave, Zuko steals the family’s bird horse. Iroh is horrified, although he climbs on, and the young woman sees it all but says nothing.
Aang’s and Katara’s torches fade. As darkness takes over, they kiss. Glowing gems in the ceiling appear, marking a path and lighting the way.
Momo runs. Wolfbats fly past, and then crash! Badger moles bend into the space. Sokka dashes and trips, his hand hitting a fallen lute. He notices that the badgers like music, so he and the nomads play and sing. The badgers settle.
Aang and Katara follow the crystals to the exit. When Appa gets out he rolls on his back, so happy, lol. What about Sokka, they ask. Boom, the badger moles bend a hole and out he and the nomads come. Will they be travelling to Omashu? No. Hugs and goodbyes. And songs!
Our team walks over a ridge to view the city. No, it’s burning. Fire Nation banners hang over the gate.
A tight and enjoyable episode, marred by the perfect Six that eluded the showrunners. Here’s Appa, crashing through a distinctive door. All they had to do was give us a shot that mirrored the flower-bedecking. Pieces of rock in Appa’s hair — a close-up of his face that juxtaposed with his peaceful earlier mood — would’ve been all they needed. Pity.
Otherwise, even the earworm is pleasant, lol. A favorite story, and a great introduction to the history of earth bending.