I mostly forget that I have music posted to Bandcamp, but recently I’ve been wondering if any of it stands up. I haven’t listened to Heart of Iron since I published it in 2019. After playing through the album, I would say that the singing is tolerable, the music is greatly enhanced by the musician who helped me record, and the lyrics are still my pride and joy in the project.
It sounds obscure and somewhat crazy now, but I wrote a musical screenplay of Jane Eyre. If you listen to the album and you’re familiar with the story, you might be able to guess which songs go with which part of the plot. (It plays in chronological order.) Fair warning, though: I sing Jane’s and Rochester’s songs. I tried to beef up my voice for Rochester, but that’s utterly ridiculous. I sound the same.
Bandcamp, I’m informed in a recent email, has brought back “Bandcamp Friday”, a day in which they waive their revenue sharing and pass all funds to the artist. Give the album a try, if you’re so inclined. On listening again to the songs, some were as I remembered — not bad — and a couple were worse. One song, though, “Fly”, which takes place at the story’s climax, gave me that great feeling every artist seeks on returning to past work: Did I write that? Damn.