Is Bishop kind because his robot model is no longer “twitchy”, or is that a key character trait? He is programmed to do no harm. My first instinct is that, unlike Ash, Bishop may have no Enneagram.

He’s played very deadpan, very bland. When he does the knife trick on Hudson, he seems disengaged from emotion. Even the little smile he gives is more of a robot’s reaction to human cues.

In the lab he’s as blank-faced as he can be. Now, obviously, this is to create tension for the audience. We know what the last robot did. Nothing seems to be happening behind that stare, though. Later we see how mild he is, how helpful. He follows Company rules as Ash did, but only up to a certain point when his robot protocol takes over. He cannot harm humans, and that’s that.

It’s his helpfulness that leads me to say he has no Enneagram. Every number can be helpful but the intentions behind it vary. I see no intention in Bishop. Only programming.

This is no way diminishes the performance or the writing. Bishop is a valid character choice told well. I would guess that playing no Enneagram is actually quite challenging. Good job there.

The more I think about it, the more impressed I am. A tour de force.