Aw, she doesn’t even get a last name. Just Rachel, but, oh, what a Rachel. She’s immediately charismatic.

I like how Rachel stands up for herself: “I thought you were . . . blank.” Her hurt at being duped is honest yet not raging. And she cuts him off until he proves at the talent show with Marcus that he’s changed.

What number has that fortitude? 

A Three, possibly. Not a Body Type at all. None of her reactions fit those profiles. Not a Four or Two, which leads me to conclude she’s not a Heart Type either, so not a Three. She’s too calm when confronted with emotional pain.

Head Type. Not a Five, who would never put up with Allie the son’s behavior. Fives move to Eight in strength and would blow his snottiness out of the water. Also not a Seven, who really has no time for that nonsense. Sevens have important work to do.

A Six? Her putdown of Will is so subtle and witty. When she decides she’s done with him, she’s really done. No waffling: he must demonstrate true character alteration and growth. A black-and-white judgment, no gray.

Interesting. I like it.