It’s Groundhog Day!

With one of the greatest character arcs in screenwriting, Phil goes from selfish and shallow to considerate and complex. What Enneagram number can contain such a change?

I want to start immediately with a Heart Type choice. He’s too cruel to be a Two and too much of a professional failure to be a Three. His frustrating career as a news weatherman who’s always tasked with the bottom-level reporting from Punxsutawney would make a Three quit. (And a Two would find it endlessly interesting!) He expects strangers to recognize him and larger TV markets to employ him. These are Envy characteristics.

Four, right? He can hold our attention even while displaying the ugliest qualities. For the first half of the film he lives in the darker aspects of his personality. Fours have a great swing between high and low. They are also Enneagram numbers who aren’t afraid to dig into their flaws, which is what Phil does in the second half of the film. He’s able to think less about “poor me” and more about his strengths.

And don’t forget his wit. Fours can be scathing, as Phil is originally, or more gentle and teasing as he is later, but that consistent humor is a Four trademark. It’s also a great writing choice. It helps us stick with an unlikable character until he can become more heroic.

Alloyed (Part Two)

The Season One finale of The Rings of Power continues . . .


Sadoc goes “a-wandering off-trail”. (He dies.)


A galley at sea in full sail. Valandil walks the deck. Elendil is down below, helping the Queen count steps in her blindness.

(He says, “I have you.” She replies, “Who has you?” Aaaagh! Immediately when I hear that line I think of Lois Lane when Superman takes her flying. Maybe everyone doesn’t think of that moment, although Margot Kidder’s delivery is iconic. It is a terrible choice to include it in anything ever again.)

Continue reading “Alloyed (Part Two)”

Alloyed (Part One)

The Season One finale of The Rings of Power begins . . .


Rain. Eryn Galen, the Greenwood. (Another map title, yay!) We’re with The Stranger. He holds Nori’s apple gift while, in voiceover, she proclaims that he’s not a peril.

A cloaked figure follows him. He gives chase, dropping his apple. The figure picks it up and reveals herself to be Nori. Her eyes change, though. It’s not Nori; it’s the Severe Witch.

The Stranger seems confused.


Severe Witch offers the apple while the other two Witches close on him like velociraptors.


One of them, in elvish, says they’ve come to serve him, Lord Sauron. They kneel to him while he looks baffled.

Roll credits.

Continue reading “Alloyed (Part One)”

The Eye (Part Two)

Continuing Episode Seven of The Rings of Power . . .


Nori doubts her trust in The Stranger. Clouds cover the moon.


Galadriel and Theo, still alone in the forest, speak of loss. Galadriel’s brother died, but also her husband Celeborn. (What?! We know he’s alive later when Frodo visits. I mean . . . right?!) He went to war and she never saw him again. Theo feels blame for what happened to his village, and Galadriel tries to reassure him that his heart was good. Let the burden go.

Their talking stops when orcs with torches search the woods. After a moment of suspense, the orcs move on.

(Theo’s pessimistic attitude and his sense of self-blame remind me of Nori’s previous scene. They are similar in their depression and doubt, and their beats should be grouped together. Therefore, we need to move the Switch back a bit.)

Continue reading “The Eye (Part Two)”

The Eye (Part One)

Episode Seven of The Rings of Power begins . . .


An ash-coated eye opens. It’s Galadriel, pulling herself up in slowmo from the village ground. Through the orange air and embers, she calls out for Halbrand and Elendil. Theo finds her. 


Isildur and the Queen strain to lift a beam off of Valandil. Ontamo, next to him, is dead. Hearing cries, the Queen directs the soldiers to help her rescue people trapped in a burning building. 


They escape, but the roof falls on Isildur.

Continue reading “The Eye (Part One)”

Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

I present to you the perfect Christmas movie. Don’t be discouraged by the black-and-white photography. It brings a pleasant sense of nostalgia, and the story will captivate you so quickly you’ll forget you’re not watching color. Let’s take a quick dive.


As credits roll the camera follows a man in a fedora who walks the streets of New York City. It’s like a charming time capsule. At a certain point I start to wonder how they managed to shoot this when steadicams didn’t yet exist. If you’ve ever pushed a camera dolly, you’ll be astounded at what they accomplished here.

Reveal that this bearded man is (probably) Santa Claus in modern clothing.

Continue reading “Miracle on 34th Street (1947)”


I’d like to share a small milestone. At a local Christmas fair, two of my pieces sold. My first sale of any of my artwork! See them here and here.

One of the purchasers mentioned using the piece as a Christmas ornament, which blasted open my mind with possibilities for next year.