Ash Wednesday

As I did last year, I give you a WiP for the beginning of Lent. I’ve had this project in mind for a while. I can’t show much less than this: A vintage photo of Mom bowling glued to its wallboard substrate.

We’ll see where I end up at Easter. Happy Lent.


Which do you prefer, white veil or blue veil? It’s my first time working three-dimensionally with cheesecloth. Lol, I might hate it. Also, if I must choose, I think the white is better. Of course, it’s too late for that and the veil is forever blue now. Hahaha!

Fourth Station: Jesus meets His Blessed Mother

3″ x 3″ on wallboard

The vibrancy of this rose won’t last as the plant still has trapped moisture. When it dries with time the rose will fade and crack. I’m dissatisfied to present this as a metaphor for Mary, but creating a piece in one week is the parameter I set at the start of Lent. We’ll see where this WIP ends up.

Ash Wednesday, 2022

This is a WIP, a devotional of Our Lady using rose petals surrounding a high school portrait of my mother. (The great artists all portrayed Mary as the most beautiful woman they could imagine, so I’m allowed to use Mom.) In the spirit of the beginning of Lent, this piece is unfinished. In Holy Week I’ll post the update and we’ll see where the journey took me.