Category: Videos
“Rosings” at youtube
Hibiscus wip
Faded bougainvillea
Tell me what you think of my editing! Hahaha! These videos are satisfying to make, much to my surprise, so I thought I’d try to get better at it. If you watch (or skip) to the end you’ll see a visitor to my studio.
And if you can’t understand my garble, the Heart of Iron piece is a mix of bougainvillea flowers and eucalyptus leaves.
Here is the link to the original post about this piece.
Ironed Hibiscus
A Tale of Two Yellow Bells
The new piece, a work-in-progress, has flowers pressed with an iron before they were waxed. The older piece, finished about 7 mos. ago, is starting to brown.
Faded Acacia
Small Pine
I’m trying a new feature, a short clip of a particular encaustic piece. I’m also working within a new wordpress theme that won’t auto-display media. Lol help! Click thru to get to the youtube.