Adding Pawns

We always have our own Pawn. We can also travel with two other Pawns. Rook is one already in our group, although I immediately want to ditch him.

This is another unique aspect of DD. My Pawn goes onto the server and becomes available to other real-life gamers to take out adventuring. I can enter a Riftstone and jump on the server to find other gamers’ Pawns and take them out, too.

Rook is an NPC. When I have no internet connection (and DD can be fussy at times) I always have access to a level-appropriate Pawn. I hate that, though. I prefer toons that other humans have crafted and built and dressed. So much personality can be conveyed!

Now I must confess something so nerdy it’s embarrassing.

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My Pawn

When we approach the gate, the exit into the larger world, we’re stopped. A Riftstone stands in the corner of the square. A swirl of aether, and out lands a person. He holds up his palm, which has a glowing scar similar to the one on our toon’s chest. The Chief explains:

“Not human, quite. They look the part sure enough, but they lack the will . . . the spark that drives us. They have no capacity to feel nor act alone, so they live as sellswords.”

That is a Pawn of the pawn legion. This one who’s here to help us is named Rook. He’s a mage. He gives us advice (go shopping!), more like a robot would than a human. And so he and we leave the village together.

We head down a quiet lane and see a salesman, Reynard, attacked by goblins. Our first fight! If we help him he gives us a cape, another piece of armor. Also (*cough*) he’s a very useful person to rescue.

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Beginning Dragon’s Dogma

How do I begin to talk about the videogame Dragon’s Dogma? I’ve owned this game on every platform possible. Currently I play it on the Nintendo Switch. It’s a beloved property with a unique storyline. Even though I’ve gamed through it more times than I can count, I want to share it here. I’d love to check, also, what kind of Story Enneagram it might have.

I’ve decided to start a brand new playthrough. New toon, new beginning. Rather than remember certain aspects, I need to approach the story fresh, at level one. This means I must delete an existing character. DD only has one save slot. Down the line you’ll understand why I agonized a little bit over this decision.


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