The Story Enneagram of Reacher, Season 1

Notice when the story can be summarized by a simple sentence. Subject-verb-object. I’ve written basically a treatment of the show. It’s not meant to be thrilling, but it is meant to demonstrate concise beats. Any beat that is hard to condense is a red flag.



Joe is killed.

Reacher is introduced.

He’s arrested while trying to eat pie.


Introduce Roscoe and Finlay at the station.

Background on Reacher; he shows off his detecting abilities.

Flashback: introduce Young Reacher.

Introduce Paul Hubble and the black sedan.

Hubble confesses. He and Reacher are sent to prison.

Spivey locks them in with the lifers.

Hubble tells Reacher the truth. He’s a currency manager for someone who will nail him to a wall.

Fight in the bathroom.

Continue reading “The Story Enneagram of Reacher, Season 1”


Lol, I haven’t even started watching, but I love the episode already from its title. The problem introduced at the very beginning of the season — will Reacher get to eat a piece of that delicious peach pie — promises resolution here.


Ah, lovely. We pick up exactly where we left off, with KJ pointing a gun at Finlay’s head. Reacher submits to Teale disarming him. Picard explains himself to Finlay.


Reacher asks about Roscoe, and KJ holds up a phone video of her, hands tied over her head. Teale agrees that they’ll all die except the Hubbles. The townspeople don’t like to see an innocent family killed. Well, no. KJ intends to torture Paul Hubble. He’s the last loose end.

Unintimidated, Reacher tells how much he knows about the Venezuelans. Pretty soon they’ll come for KJ and give him the “same necktie” they gave his daddy.

KJ responds, “I killed my father.” (YIKES. Reacher looks a little gobsmacked, too, lol.)

And now we know, as does Reacher, that KJ is batshit evil. We get a little proud monologuing as KJ claims responsibility for all of it. Holy crap, the long list of murders ends with, “I killed your brother.” Lol, take a beat on Reacher’s reaction to that. 

(The casting of KJ is excellent, because all we want to see is Reacher decimate that little toad. And we know from his face here that KJ’s a dead man.)

Teale, just a low-level scumbag, sums up the plan. The Reacher brothers were working together with a bad cop (Finlay), or at least that’s how they’ll make it look to the community.


And now the threats and exposition are over and the story begins. KJ demands that Reacher use his tracking skills to find Hubble. If he doesn’t call by the morning, the Hubble women and Roscoe will die in unimaginably horrible ways. 

Hold on Reacher’s face. Roll credits.

Continue reading “Pie”

Reacher Said Nothing


A house exterior at night. Inside, Officer Stevenson prepares for bed with his wife. They discuss their distress and the difficulty he’s having with the case. Finlay won’t talk to him. The Hubbles (their cousins, right?) won’t answer the phone. She suggests they move away from Margrave, especially as they’ll need a babysitter soon. They’re happy and cuddly about her early pregnancy. 


As they kiss, the camera cuts to a view looking out the window at a black car pulling up. Ominous music. White booted feet and hazmat-suited legs exit the vehicle. One of the four men carries a crowbar. Roll credits.


An establishing shot of the Atlanta airport runway. Cut to a slow pan of Reacher, starting at his boots and ending at his face above a “stupid” NYC tourist T-shirt. He frowns. (Of course, lol.) Someone wheeling a carry-on calls for a taxi, and Reacher focuses in on the luggage for some reason.

Ah, cut to a flashback. Young Reacher wrangles a bag as he and Joe leave the house. The family is moving to Germany, and the boys consider it a punishment. Mom, with her French accent, gives them a pep talk. Reacher, with the strength of three boys your age, what will you do, she asks. You’re going to do what’s right. The close-up of Young Reacher’s thoughtful face becomes present day Reacher. Finlay screeches up in the POS minivan.

Continue reading “Reacher Said Nothing”



Close-up on Finlay’s wedding ring as he spins it on a picnic table. Reacher explains to him that the gang they’re working against is Venezuelan. Kliner Sr.’s neck wound is a signature move of theirs, a “butterfly cut”. Insert a cell photo of the dead man, just to remind us how the last episode ended.


They thought Kliner was the boss, but now they know they’re dealing with someone bigger who doesn’t like how messy this Margrave situation has become. Reacher wants a stakeout to see how the change in leadership will effect Kliner Industries. They’ll need a car no one will recognize. Reacher’s on it, while Finlay is called back to the station house. The “dung” — as Finlay euphemizes — has hit the fan.

Roll credits.

At the station, Chief Teale directs the officers. Stevenson is to look at footage of the road leading to Kliner’s. When Finlay enters, Teale rushes over to get him on the case. (Finlay pretends to not know any details about the crime scene.)


As Finlay prepares to head out, Kliner Jr. comes into the station swinging for him. Finlay sidesteps and locks his arm. KJ, furious that Finlay suspected his father, calls him a carpetbagger and spits at his feet. Teale sends KJ into his office, then tells Finlay that he should stand down from the case. “Hit the bench and I’ll call you back in the game soon enough.”

Continue reading “Papier”

No Apologies

For the first time Reacher has disappointed me. I don’t know if I’ve ever written a breakdown for a show with nothing, not even a nod, to an Enneagram framework.


This time we have a small skip. The trio is in the car, listening to a news broadcast. All three look upset, and Finlay, driving, speaks first. “We shouldn’t have left her.”

They fear crooked cops, even at the state level, or being blamed for Molly Beth’s death. The disrespect of leaving her body behind, though, weighs on them.


As they continue to drive, Reacher notices they’re passing the yard with the picket fence. The dog is down, injured. Finlay pulls over and hops out while Reacher clears the fence. Coming in through the gate, Finlay has had enough. He unchains the dog, prepared to take it. When the owner storms out, Reacher nails him in the nose. Roscoe, lol, has no idea what’s happening. The dog, its neck bleeding a little, sits in the back seat with Reacher as they take it to a safe shelter.

Reacher borrows another car from the Hubble’s garage. 

Roll credits.

Continue reading “No Apologies”

In A Tree


Haha! The opening shot is Spivey’s hole in the head. Reacher is incredibly consistent so far at beginning with the next beat in the story. 


Reacher shines the flashlight on the dead guy on the ground, and back to Spivey filling the trunk space. He goes through everyone’s pockets and breaks their cell phones. Behind Spivey is a bag of spy equipment that Reacher looks into and tosses back.

Then he shoves the two dead guys on top of Spivey’s corpse, breaking the last man’s legs so that he’ll fit. (Crunch.) The trunk lid now closes.

Roll credits.


Panting, Reacher calls Finlay. They discuss Finlay’s discovery that Hubble quit the bank a year ago, and then agree to meet at the site of a reported burnt out rental car. It could be Joe’s. Reacher asks who else knows, and Finlay says, “Only those who need to.”

Continue reading “In A Tree”



Again, this episode begins where the last left off. Roscoe paces in her living room, just after discovering her break-in. When Reacher tries to reassure her, she jumps down his throat for being condescending. (He did suggest she was afraid.)


She’s not scared, she’s pissed. Her family founded this town, she refurbished her house with her own money, and someone who thinks they’re untouchable invaded her home.


Reacher wants a gun, Roscoe recalls. She goes into her closet and pulls down a decorative wooden box. Inside is a cannon of a handgun. It was Gray’s. Reacher respectfully takes it. (Then he pops the magazine and clears the chamber, checking the gun. I appreciate this level of safety detail.)

As Roscoe starts to pack, Finlay messages. Meet him at the morgue. 

Walking out the front door, Reacher turns to a stump in the yard and shoots it, making Roscoe flinch. “Never trust a weapon you haven’t personally test-fired,” he says. She gives a bit of an eye roll and follows him to the truck.

Roll credits.

Continue reading “Spoonful”

Welcome to Margrave


Margrave, Georgia. Nighttime, with a man running through a field under an overpass. Someone, arm and head obscured by clothing, raises a silenced pistol and shoots the man. This person’s hand, wearing latex gloves, picks the shell casings from the grass. The foot is covered in cloth booties. They, or another person wearing full hazmat clothing, violently and repeatedly kicks the downed man. Dissolve to black, and then someone drapes the body with a flattened cardboard box, dirty and weathered. Dissolve again to black, and roll credits.

This is the well-received Amazon original, Reacher, based on the Lee Child book. I’ve seen the series once and really enjoyed it. I thought it might be fun to break it down. As always, my Story Enneagram will contain detailed spoilers. Go away, watch for yourself, and come back!


A lovely over of Howlin’ Wolf, and we see a boot step from a transit bus in the rain. It’s a deserted crossroads surrounded by open land. The man begins to walk the road, the angle close on his work boots. He passes the Margrave town sign, and approaches a diner. So far we’ve only seen him from a distance or from the back, but it’s obvious he’s a big guy.

Before he can enter the diner, a young couple exits. In the parking lot, the man, a weasley fellow, abuses the woman. Our big man takes a step in their direction. The camera comes around and we finally see his face. Handsome, strong jaw — your basic Clark Kent in road clothes.

Hahaha! The camera lingers on his silent face, and then Weasel starts apologizing and backing away.

Cut to inside, where the waitress sets down a black coffee and peach pie slice. He sits alone at a corner booth. This is basically our introduction to how his biceps move in a polo shirt, lol.

Continue reading “Welcome to Margrave”