Book One: Water

Now that the first season of Avatar has been Enneagram reviewed, let’s look at the entire arc.


The first episode is basically the season’s One. It’s so funny to think of a time when I knew nothing about bending or the Avatar cycle. The showrunners did a good job establishing everything clearly, and our three characters are distinct and engaging. And Appa! Don’t forget our good boi! Because the believability of the Avatar is so strong, I forget how easy they made the worldbuilding of this IP look.


And episode two is basically the season’s Two. The Avatar has been missing for one hundred years, leaving the world vulnerable to the Fire Nation. Aang is now ready to tackle his destiny, go North and learn the other bending disciplines, but . . . first there’s a laundry list of distractions. Also in this section is a Zuko vs. Aang battle. How these guys will manage their relationship is definitely part of the Trouble.


The world has two Air Temples. At the Three they visit the Southern one. Aang confronts a lot of pain here, and in Zuko’s storyline Commander Zhao is introduced and even battles an agni kai against him. Everyone’s wounds are here, and the Air Temple is the visual.

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The Siege of the North

As with the two episodes that began this season, these last two episodes should be looked at as one overarching Enneagram. Since they have the same title, let’s roll them into one post rather than break them apart. They mesh very nicely. Good structure when they’re looked at holistically.



We’re in the very shiny and beautiful Northern Water Kingdom. Dueling in Master Pakku’s class, Katara defeats everyone else and wins Pakku’s praise. Cut to Aang, kicked back in class, who bends snow onto himself, becoming a snowman. Serious vs. Silly.


Sokka takes Yue for a glorious ride on Appa. Just as they’re about to kiss, ash starts raining around them. Back at class, Aang stops his antics to notice the falling soot mixing with snow. From his vantage point on Appa, Sokka looks out and sees the armada. Fire Nation, a lot of them.

At the flagship, Admiral Zhao brags to Iroh of his great upcoming victory. He also tosses in a dig about Iroh’s loss at Ba Sing Se. As magnanimous as always, Iroh takes the hit, then finds Zuko and tells him to be ready.

The Water City rings the alarm. As Sokka parts from Yue, she says she can’t see him anymore. She likes him too much, and she has her duty to her people.


The Water Tribe Elder gives his speech to the troops, calling on the spirits of Ocean and Moon to assist them.

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The Waterbending Master

Sound storytelling structure. I have only one critique at the end of the breakdown.


The team flies on a very tired Appa, who can barely keep out of the icy ocean below them. Just as they say they can’t find the Northern Water Tribe, spikes of ice knock them into the water and boats surround them.


Admiral Zhao knows where the Avatar is headed. This is no little Earth Village, he says. He’ll need a massive invasion force for the Northern Water Kingdom.

Water benders escort our team on Appa into their city. Thick ice walls and multiple gates, removed by bending, surround the compound. It’s a stunning place: canals, decorative bridges, tiers of buildings, all made of ice and compacted snow.


Sokka notices a beautiful, white-haired young woman in a gondola.

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The Northern Air Temple

This is a tricky episode.


Our team listens to a tale told around a campfire. It’s about “airwalkers”, people who laugh at gravity. Aang loves this. It’s an air bender story! The bard passes around a hat for tips.


Aang mentions that this story describes events from a hundred years ago. Nope, just last week, the bard says.


Appa flies the team up to the Air Temple. As they fly, Sokka carves a piece of wood, although we don’t know what the sculpture is.

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The Deserter


The team is at a crossroads kiosk. A nearby village advertizes a Fire Nation festival.


On the backside of the board are wanted posters. The most prominent is of Aang, but he isn’t worried. The festival seems a great opportunity for him to find a fire bending teacher. They’ll attend and wear disguises.


Another wanted poster is of the Blue Spirit. That’s a fun detail. We get a push-in, though, on the third wanted poster: an unknown person with two vertical scars running through his eye area.

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Bato of the Water Tribe


We’re near some body of water, and our team finds a whale tooth knife. Sokka has a memory of such a weapon.


It’s a Water Tribe knife. He starts tracking. At the shore they find a boat. It’s one of ours — Dad was here!

Meanwhile, Iroh is having tea with Zuko. A peaceful moment. Crash! A beast, a shirshu named Nyla, and her handler, June, seek a stowaway on Zuko’s ship. To Zuko’s surprise he is actually harboring someone. Nyla’s tongue whips out and paralyzes the man.

Back at camp, Appa and the team sleep.


Sokka has a memory of when he was probably ten years old as he says goodbye to his father. He’s crying, he wants to go with them, but he’s too young.

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The Fortune-Teller


Typical One: where is our team camping? We have a lake with fish.


However, Sokka can catch nothing because Aang has taken the fishing line and used it to weave a necklace for Katara. The lack of line is not the Two; survival is not the point of this episode. It’s the lovey gift, unasked for.


And here we have a stylized vision of a glowing Katara wearing the necklace. Sokka says, “Smoochy, smoochy,” and Katara says they’re just good friends.  Each of these elements is not the Three (they’re more part of the Trouble). It’s the notion that one of the team cares in a way that isn’t reciprocated.

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The Blue Spirit


Fire Nation ships dock at a fortress location.


It’s Commander Zhao. He’s here for these legendary archers. When he’s denied, a message conveniently arrives that promotes him. What was a request is now an order, and the archers are his.

We see a face, a blue mask, watching this exchange.


Now we get to our team at camp. Sokka is sick with a fever. His hallucinations are, of course, funny. As we often see in this show, Sokka is the Three. Katara, tending him, starts to cough. Aang needs to find some medicine for both of them now.

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The Storm


The episode opens with Aang’s dream. The animation is in an altered style; we can tell right away that something’s not normal. Aang happily flying on Appa, with Katara on a overlarge Momo and Sokka using the air glider, is actually disturbing. The state of the world is unsettling. Aang’s mind is not at peace.

And I find this One unsettling. I don’t care that it’s weird. I’m bothered by how random the beat feels. This is too much information, too many feelings for us and them, for a One.


Part of the dream is a threatening cloud and a memory of the water bubble Aang made in the Avatar State. This aligns with the Eight. Now we have a solid beat.


And then we’re in confusion again. I don’t think there’s a Three. Katara asks if Aang’s okay and we see their campsite. This is normally how this show hits the One: establish their location. They’ve reversed the One and Three, subverted our expectations, in order to emphasize the uneasy feeling. I understand this intention, but I don’t think they’ve succeeded with it.

The next moment is a Sokka bit, which has been a go-to Three/Six for this series, but it doesn’t align with anything later.

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The Great Divide


Sokka sets up a tent, casting the rain tarp aside.


Katara, carrying some kindling, questions his judgment. Sokka fights back, telling her to worry about her own job. Aang, as the Avatar peacemaker, comes between them and suggests they switch tasks. How can people who disagree get along, and can Aang actually help them reach accord? That’s the Trouble.


Appa and Momo also fight over a piece of fruit. It’s hilarious because Appa, giant bison, holds the melon in place with his toe while Momo, small mammal, goes all ballistic on trying to free it. Aang halves the fruit, sharing it out.

This is basically a repeat of the Two, so why is it the Three? Well, first, it’s what comes next (and the material after that is clearly Four-ish). Second, food is part of the struggle in this episode and recurs in a Six-ish way. Mostly, though, I’m reaching.

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