Werewolf By Night

Technically, this stand-alone episode is part of the extended MCU. It’s absolutely charming as a Halloween tidbit, though, and may become one of my routine annual watches. Let’s see if it stands up to a fisk. But, please! Watch it first so my spoilers don’t ruin the enjoyment.


Begin the Marvel credit introduction, and then, with a screech and a slash mark, change it from color to black-and-white. Put the theme song in a minor key. Roll credits in the style of an original monster movie from the 1930s.

Voiceover narration introduces the darker side of the Marvel heroes, the monsters that operate beneath the surface and their hunters. Introduce the Bloodstone family. The patriarch wields a supernatural relic, the bloodstone. (Wait, is the family named after the necklace, or vice versa, lol?) 


Continue with illustrative sketches while the narrator informs us that Ulysses Bloodstone has died. The position of head of the family and the ownership of the relic are now up for grabs. Switch to live action as the narrator announces that tonight is his funeral. (And continue with B&W, throughout.)

Establish a wooded landscape with a many-windowed domed building situated in the middle. The narrator sets the Rules of the Magic: Global hunters, strangers, meet for a ceremonial hunt that will decide who next wields the bloodstone.

Reveal our main character, panning up from his feet, as the narrator proclaims, “Woe to the monster who finds itself” among the hunters. He’s a man in a suit, regular except for dark eye circles and a strange chalk-like face tattoo. (It will take a long time before we’re told his name, but I can’t just keep calling him “our hero”. He’s Jack.) 

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