This one’s going to take a process of elimination.

Ron is an Envy person. Harry’s success poisons their friendship for a while. Anyone who feels so strongly that they covet against character is a Heart Type. In case you doubt, we also know Ron’s no Body Type. Although he loves quidditch and wants to be good at it, his performance is mixed. Also, he may like the strategy of wizard’s chess, but delving into the thinking of things as a Head Type would is not his strong suit.

This means Ron is a Two, Three, or Four.

Well, he’s clearly not a Three! To others the life of a Three can seem charmed. Ron’s the opposite. He seems cursed. If a Three got sent the moth-balled dress robes they’d turn it into a fashion statement and everyone else would want the same. Shame is really not in the Three wheelhouse.

Is he a Four? A Four can be tormented with the depth of their feelings, which Ron indeed is. However, Four Men are also extremely witty. It’s like they’ve drunk a truth bomb. They are so cutting, and yet fun. Ron, again, this is not.

That leaves a Two. Is Ron a Two? Whoa. Hard call. Two Men are very giving and sweet-natured. They are vulnerable to abuse because they’re so kind. They also tend to accumulate hobbies and the gear that goes with it. A Two Man is a tinkerer. That doesn’t particularly sound like Ron, either.

I’m going to go with Four, even though it’s not a perfect match. It’s the wildly swinging emotions that decide it for me.

Or, Rowling did not nail his character as thoroughly as she did with the others, and he’s really no number at all.


A stickler for the rules and the boundaries of right and wrong. Organized and prepared. Willing to champion a cause and brave enough to lead others in it.

Is Hermione a Six, or is she a One?

These two numbers are very similar. Build-wise, women are slight, possibly wiry, and not tall. Both numbers have quick wits and sharp tongues. Hermione’s bookishness could point more clearly toward Six, a Head Type, but Ones also enjoy sharing knowledge and insight.

However, a One is a Body Type, and that leads us to the definitive answer.

If Hermione were a One, she’d play quidditch. 

Her disinterest in the game (or lack of physical prowess in it) makes her a Six.


It quickly becomes clear when studying character Enneagrams that a disproportionate number of protagonists, especially male ones, are Nines. It starts to get a little tedious, actually, to always say, “Oh, look, a Nine again.”

Harry’s a Nine.

Man Nines come in two shapes: extremely heroic, muscular, tall, athletic (you can see why writers would favor a Nine protagonist); and lean, medium-height, and quite prone to wear a beard.

Yeah, that seems strangely specific, but it is a consistent observation.

Harry is the latter. (Minus the beard, of course. If he were to ever be portrayed as a man, the characterization wouldn’t be quite accurate if they left off the beard.)

His ability as a Seeker suggests Body Type. His diplomatic friendship with everyone except his most hated enemies is Nine-ish. His passive nature through his younger years at the Dursleys is classic Nine-avoidance of conflict. And his heroism — he doesn’t particularly agonize or fret, he just steps up — have that placid Nine confidence.

Nines are very likable, which makes them so suitable as a main character. They can veer off into boring, though, so keep a tight leash on your writing. Don’t get them started on an anecdote; they’ll talk forever.