I’ve recently rewatched the original Star Trek series and wrote about episodes here at the blog. Immediately I think of Uhura singing in the crew lounge. Yes, she was an efficient and brave bridge officer, competent at her job. But that mischievous twinkle when she’d perform a duet with Mr. Spock! Mostly, she kept the light-hearted side of her personality under wraps. 

Did Uhura get few of these break-out character moments because she was a Black woman? It’s probable, but also the triumvirate sucked most of the oxygen out of the plots. (And Kirk, even if the episode wasn’t his, would upstage everyone anyway, lol.) I can’t think of any episode that was solely hers. We don’t have much to judge her Enneagram number, but she’s delivered enough. For a supporting character, Uhura hit hard.

I immediately go to Seven. Her professionalism at comms, her cool head during a crisis, and her surprising love of fun are defining traits. 

Someday I will do more Enneagram dives into the extended Star Trek universe, but for today I want to get this posted. RIP, Nichelle Nichols. Fair winds and following seas, ma’am.