It’s published!

Acting the Enneagram is now available at amazon. You may have noticed I’ve become more interested in how a character’s Enneagram impacts the overall success of the story.

In this book I go over the basics of Personality Typing for the Enneagram using movie characters and posts from the blog. I add some never-before-seen Storytelling Enneagram breakdowns for an assortment of movies, and then I mash the two sections together.

Going forward look for me to try more of this weaving of Enneagrams in my posts and in future books. I’m convinced this is the best way to write, create, and critique film and television stories. Besides, it’s fun!


The latest track for Argent is now live at bandcamp.

I recorded this song very differently. Musescore, the composing software I use, will playback the song. Instead of just writing melody and chords, this time I notated an orchestral score. What you hear is the computer playing the sheet music, and a vocal track I laid over. I feel like my experience with notation, reading and writing, might be my greatest strength as a musician. (Since I’m so very amateur at guitar, lol.) Anyway, here’s the simplified music. The orchestral score is an immense file, so I won’t post it.

If you were my bell
If you were my well
but you’re you

A voice like clear water
a face like a star
my tongue turns to butter
whenever you are

If you were my clerk
If you were my park
but you’re you

why can’t I talk to

If you were my lake
If you were my fate
but you’re you

A voice like clear water
a face like a star
my tongue turns to butter
whenever you are

Get Lucky

When you’re not handsome
and your youth is spent,
you’re not wealthy
and you’re too smart to be content,

get lucky

When he’s so irksome,
keeps talking of Kent,
been rejected,
but he’s safe and independent,

get lucky

Here he comes on fire
and you meet him in the lane,
not by accident
it’s not a romantic moment,
but just the same,
it’s better than alone.
You get your own home.

When she’s troubl’some
and doubts your judgment,
feels above you
but she still lives with her parents,

get lucky

New song available for Ardent at bandcamp. From Elizabeth’s perspective, Charlotte is foolish for accepting Mr. Collins’ proposal. For Charlotte, though, it’s a lucky opportunity.

Oops! I originally called this song “The Scheme” because that’s how Charlotte thinks of her encouragement of Mr. Collins. The song itself suggested another title, though, and “Get Lucky” is the official and proper name.

Paint It Red

When the muslin meets the wine
paint it red
When the dance card makes you mine
paint it red

O my heart isn’t here
It’s at home with a good book
where I’m safe
I swear I could stab you
if I had my netting hook
but you’re safe
It’s not here either

When the gossip oozes brine
paint it red
When the clock chimes only nine
paint it red


When my family starts to shine
paint it red
When the carriage’s last in line
paint it red

Don’t worry, I’m fine.

Track Three is now available at bandcamp.

Burning again

Burning . . . III?

I was never quite satisfied with the track art for the song “Burning” on Heart of Iron. Uploaded to bandcamp is this new encaustic piece, based on Robert Salmon’s 1828 painting Ship in Storm.

The original post introducing the first attempt at “Burning” track art is here. You can see why I was dissatisfied. Visually and thematically murky!

Burning I

However, the funny part is this:

Burning II

If you look closely you’ll see that the poinsettia piece is actually the original “Burning” art slightly smoothed and fused, and then repurposed as a background. Although I work on wallboard, which is inexpensive, the layers of wax and the build-up of color over days of painting are precious. It’s nice to get a second life out of something that became disappointing.

In Danger

I believe —
Will she dance with me?

I believe —
The line of her neck as she reads ‘cross the room
… honey won’t taste as sweet.

I believe —
Does she tease me?

I believe —
The form of her hand in her glove as she waves
… I’m alive in the heat.

I believe,
it not for her
I’d be in danger.

Second song from the ongoing Ardent album now live at bandcamp.

The Fifth Husband, pages 5-6

In honor of the feast day of St. Thomas Becket, martyred in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170, I present these pages. As always, the published book handles the screenplay formatting efficiently. The blog post, not so much.

PRIORESS, an elderly nun surrounded by pampered doggies, nods at Alys.  She is a Very Important Person who is always treated with deference.  Feeding table scraps to her dogs is the NUN’S BOY.


Mother Prioress, my pleasure. Another woman on the journey will be most welcome.

Continue reading “The Fifth Husband, pages 5-6”