Burning again

Burning . . . III?

I was never quite satisfied with the track art for the song “Burning” on Heart of Iron. Uploaded to bandcamp is this new encaustic piece, based on Robert Salmon’s 1828 painting Ship in Storm.

The original post introducing the first attempt at “Burning” track art is here. You can see why I was dissatisfied. Visually and thematically murky!

Burning I

However, the funny part is this:

Burning II

If you look closely you’ll see that the poinsettia piece is actually the original “Burning” art slightly smoothed and fused, and then repurposed as a background. Although I work on wallboard, which is inexpensive, the layers of wax and the build-up of color over days of painting are precious. It’s nice to get a second life out of something that became disappointing.